Allergic and Adverse Reactions to Medications

Medications are meant to help stabilize your body and bring you ease; however, some medications cause more harm to the body than good. Some people may not even know that they are allergic to a certain ingredient in their medication which can cause them adverse long-term and short-term reactions. 

What Causes Allergic or Adverse Reactions to Medication?

The main cause of allergic reactions to medication is your body’s immune system mistaking the medication for a harmful substance. This typically won’t happen after a single-use medication. Once the exposure to this medication becomes regular, your body will create antibodies to combat it. The most common medications that people have allergic or adverse reactions to are: 


  • Prescribed antibiotics
  • Pain medications such as aspirin 
  • Medications prescribed to treat autoimmune disorders
  • Cancer treatment medications
  • Local anesthetics

If you have recently taken one of these medications or are currently taking one of these medications and are experiencing an allergic reaction, speak to your doctor to determine what the best course of action for your situation is. 

What Are Some Symptoms of Allergic or Adverse Reactions to Medication? 

Differentiating between normal and safe side effects of beginning a new medication and harmful or adverse effects can be quite difficult, especially for those who may not be aware of what they should be feeling. Some less severe abnormal reactions to medications include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing
  • Skin rashes including hives
  • Bodily itching as well as itchy eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Fever 
  • Swelling
  • Runny nose

While many people will likely experience mild to moderate reactions due to their medications, some will still experience severe adverse reactions. Some more severe reactions that may indicate anaphylaxis include:

  • Tightening of the throat
  • Seizures
  • Extreme nausea and vomiting
  • A decrease in blood pressure
  • A loss of consciousness
  • Rapid pulse 
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness 
  • Diarrhea 

If you are experiencing a severe reaction to your medication, it is important to either contact emergency services or go to the hospital immediately. 

How We Can Help

When you come to the medical professionals at Allergy Associates, we will put forth all of our efforts into understanding what may be triggering your allergic or adverse reactions to your medications and how to move forward with your treatment. Our goal is to provide you with the best comprehensive treatment for your case. This could be either with medication or topical treatments. We will also take into consideration your opinion and your thoughts on your treatment plan. We are willing to collaborate with you on your health in order to make this process as easy and comfortable for you as possible. 

Why Choose Us

Our experts take great care in performing tests to understand your adverse or allergic reactions to your medication. It is important to us that we understand your specific case so that we can create the most beneficial treatment possible so that you can go back to living normally. We understand that these issues can be difficult, which is why the professionals at Allergy Associates will go the extra mile to give you the best care possible.
